LIFE OF PI, best film on 2012

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Directed by Ang Lee, LIFE OF PI is one of best movie on 2012.. It about an India boy trial in middle of ocean. It because his ship was sinking. That accident take his family.

Alone in middle of ocean is very very hard for a boy of course. Worse because there a Benggala tiger in his small rigid. But it is thing make him survive.


Drama Action Korea: RETURN TO BASE (2012)

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From 10 scale, Return To Base has 9.

This Korean Film is very good. It has roman, sad, funny, action and more on one film. This is about a talent pilot. From acrobatic pilot Jung Tae Hun moved to battle pilot cause he is a problem maker too.

South and North Korea situation  make every pilot always on.

A revolution trial at North Korea make Seoul in danger situation. They almost in nuke war. In this situation, Jung's friend died.

From love story it send us to action.