STORM WARNING; Survival Can Be Murder

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The shocking new film from the director of URBAN LEGEND
Want have a romantic time, a couple going fishing with a rent boat. The men is a lawyer., so he know what is crime. A hazard come when whether begin on dark. Storm will come. So they have decision to back. But, another way make them lost on another place. Whoe know that the place's owner is killer and drugs. Many drug trees there. When the place owner knor that there are uninvited guests, the prevented way has done. The men legs has been broked. So the women has to fight alone to protect her self and her husband's life.
pUBLISHED bY; FFC Australia
Cast; Nadia Fares, Robert Taylor, David Lyons, Mathew Wilkinson, John Brumpton



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Eurotomania is a danger. Someone who has it like has duble character. He or She do not know what he or she did before. Eurtomanian can do everything to get what he/ she want.

Like in this movie; A LA FOLIE PAS DU TOUT. Everything she does to get the doctor's love. She do not care the doctor has been marry or not. This is make she, the doctor and peoples arround them on danger as effect of course.
Published by; UFD
Cast; Audrey Tautou, Samuel Le Bihan, Issabelle Carre


FINAL FANTASY; Advent Children

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Cloud and soldiers have a big work to destroys Sephiroth, the best soldiers among them. Before this, they are have a same job as Soldiers. They are brothers. But someday, Septhiroth knew a bad reality,that they are only experiment from Shinra, a power company to protect the company. As consequency, Sephiroth wa angry and want destroys everything on earth.


TAARE ZAMEEN PAR; A movie about Dislexia Syndrom

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Dyslexia is a broad term defining a learning disability that impairs a person's fluency or accuracy in being able to read, write, and spell.

No one want born with dyslexia. His/ her parents too.

TAARE ZAMEEN PAR is a film about Dyslexia syndrom. many peoples do not know what Dyslexia is? so many from us judge that dyslexia peoples as lazy.

His name is Ihsaan. He was born on succed family. His father succes on job and his brother is a star on his class. But not with Ihsan. Peoples have not believing that Ihsaan come from that family. Almost saw Ihsaan as lazy boy. Otherside, whatever happened mom always love and protecting Ihsan. Lazy and as trouble makers make Ihsaan send to far school. Lucky for Ihsaan cause there are someone know what is Ihsan trouble. But, when his teacher come to Ihsaan's home and explaining all about Dyslexia to his family, his father reject it.

Published by; Aamir Khan production
cast; Aamir Khan, Darsheel Safary



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Four peoples was sent to the Mars to know everything about Mars. On they mission a big dust storm was attack and make 3 of the team death. Rescue team was sent but they need some years to arrive.

An accident come on rescue team's trips. Their space plane was blow up on space and this accident make them lost the leader.

After deadly dust storm a big and misterious mask was there. What is inside of the mask? There is no clue except it is a deadly storm.

cast; Garry Sinise, Tim Robbins, Don Cheadle, Connie Nielsen, Jerry O'Connel
published by; Touchstone Pictures



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To be a famous is a difficult. For people swho have short mind there are short way. It is using mistic ceremony. So with Low Shoulder, an indie band who want become a famous band. To make their dram, they take a sacrisfice at mictic waterfall. For these ceremony they are need a virgin girl. But whose know that the girl is still virgin. This mistake needs more consequences.,,

published by; 20th century fox
cast; Megan Fox, Amanda Seyfried



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No one want born as different. Danny has different. He did not like almost peoples. He was blind since first day. As blind people he want others see him as normal people. His spirit always on fire on his darkness. Till someday, his love bring him to big step. He takes a risk on first research to help blind people to see.



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Merlin and Morgana's war is a big witch legend. Someday when Merlin almost get his purposes to destroying Morgana, something happens. Triangel love make one of his students betraying him. This make Merlin "lost his soul".

Before death angel take him, he was gave message to Bethrayal that only The One from his blood can destroying Morgana. And to make it come true and to safe his girlfriend, Bethrayal must looking for more than hundreds years

cast; Nicholas Cage,

Published by; Walt Disney



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When world is not a satisfies place to stay, peoples going deep inside the world to get a new satisfies place to stay. As life support tools, they make a generator. But it has time to 200 years.

Now, they have stay there as long as 200 year and the generator starting in problems. They must find new place to stay. To find it they have to out from there. Only "magical box" which know the way, but it has been lost when lead chain was broken.

Published by; 20th Century Fox


SALT; A sleep spy from Rusia

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Day X is a day wen world will get a new world war. KA12 will make it real. To make it as real, bad spy from rusia was made a sleep spies on America as long as some years. Whose know that some America's spies is KA12.
Angelina Jolly= Salt is a best KA12 and she is best women in america's inteligent. But the plan was changed when her boss kill her husband. Now, there is no one get her trust cause there is many KA12 around agency and around Ameica's president.

cast; Angelina Jolly
Published by; Columbia pictures